1 min read
Elf's are wrong! Santa Comes through!

Elf's are Wrong!

Santa Comes through with Dummy-Head-Thing that you can put make-up on!

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, OH:  The perilous hours leading up to early morning December 25th found Katie  nervously pacing in her Mom and Dad's bedroom. It was 5:30 AM and Santa had still not visited their house.

Mom had just returned from the kitchen with a baba-juice which had been demanded ... err requested by Mary Grace only minutes before.

MG's request had aroused Katie from sleep and brought her to the foot of her Father's bed. When she requested permission to see if Santa had left any presents - coal or otherwise - she was informed that no, in fact, there were no new presents had been left as of mom and dad's trip to the kitchen just minutes before.

Trying to think positively, Katie's Father informed her that Santa was probably starting on the west side first, and since it was still dark - VERY dark - he probably needed AT LEAST another couple of hours before he could get to her house.

Katie hesitantly agreed with this reasoning, and climbed into bed with her Father.

She kept a steady watch on the clock and checked in with Dad every 15 minutes to see if he thought Santa had come. Using his strong exterperipherial powers, and super duper listening ears, Dad assured her that, regrettably old Saint Nick had not yet come.

Upon Katie's 7:45 AM request, Dad had confirmed that possibly, he did hear something.  And maybe they should go down and investigate.

As they entered the living room it was clear that someone, or something, had been in the room and altered it's appearance. Upon further investigation it was confirmed - GIFTS! YES, GIFTS!

Or so it seemed...there were numerous brightly colored boxes wrapped in Christmas paper.

Certainly Santa wouldn't taunt a girl by wrapping coal in gift wrapping paper? Could he be so cruel!?! - Katie gingerly approached a square box wrapped in glistening Santa-ish paper and gave it a gentle shake - looking up at her Father she guessed, "I don't think it's coal....do you?"

"There is only one way to find out - open it!"

As she tore open the paper and ripped through the box she gleefully proclaimed - "It's the dummy head thing that you can put make up on! He found it, He found it!!" She jumped to her feet and joyously proclaimed "I knew I wasn't getting any coal!"


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