1 min read
It's Back!  Content from the 2005 original version of the wilkinweb has been discovered.

For all of you who have been clamoring for some of the classic content from the wilkinweb digital archives, the wait is over.  Starting today,  we will start posting wilkinweb Classic material, featuring some of our best and non award winning content.

Visitors can look forward to some classic pieces from "wilkinweb news", art from the classic "What's on the fridge?" section, and of course some of the wilkinweb's classic movies.

For those of you are new to this version of the wilkinweb, what we are now calling wilkinweb Classic, was created in 2005 and ran through about 2008.  It was defunded by it's parent company, The Wilkinson Family Budget (WFB) after much internal debate over whether or not The Wilkinson Children Charitable Trust (WCCT), which provided food and clothing for needy children who lived within The Wilkinson Real Estate Holdings Inc (WREHI) properties, should be placed higher on the financial priority list.  

In short. my wife wouldn't let me pay to renew the site for another three  years.

We are happy bring you this special content, and hope you enjoy it as much as my kids hated us for creating it!




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